
It's finally here! The Court Theatre Company Quiz Night!
Prepare for a true test of your wits, and study up on some general knowledge, memes, music, sports, and more. Get 10 of your closest, brightest, and most raffle winning friends together for a night of eating like teenagers, doing trivia like adults and drinking like thespians.

> Friday August the 3rd
> 6.30pm for 7pm start
> Location: St Ignatius Parish Hall, Queen Street, Norwood
> BYO drinks
> Tickets: $15 each at the door including a FREE raffle ticket

This fundraiser will help fund the end of year production for Court Theatre Company, so get your table captain to book a table of up to 10 people.

******Things your team should know******
- Teams must arrive no later than 7:00 pm on the night
- Tables of ten (10, dieci, diez, zehn, sepuluh, dix, tien, X) people
- You are encouraged to bring your own snacks to share
- The event is BYO alcohol, but the event is appropriate for all ages, so be respectful.
- Bribery of the judges, markers and MC is encouraged and is a good way to get extra points.
- Cheaters will be punished for their crimes against the SANCTITY OF THE CTC QUIZ NIGHT
- Go hard or go home with your table names. Points will be given out for exceptional puns or creative names.
- Bring along some gold coins to play the games and win some prizes.
- Like the Court Theatre Company Facebook and Instagram pages to get updates on other CTC events


Book your tickets below: